
So Many Types of Proteins...

     I don't know about you, but when I first started shopping at places like The Vitamin Shoppe I would almost immediately be overwhelmed by all the different workout supplements. Not only is there a a ton of different brands, but within each brand there are numerous different supplements to achieve specific results - and then a mix in between that!

     Lately, I've been digging deeper into a proper protein supplementation, specific to my needs. As a beginner gym-rat/fitness-buff I chose one type of protein and used it consistently, not really knowing what my body patterns were or even realizing that not one type of protein is a "fit-all". Before diving into my first protein of choice, I did do research on what brand I wanted to introduce into my schedule. I tend to be a fan of all-natural/no junk types of products and was drawn to Optimum Nutrition from reading reviews, looking at their lists of ingredients, and the flavor of the actual product. I still love ON, and will probably be a lifelong consumer of their products unless they do a major change in their mission statement and ingredient list.

     Since I've been working out on a very strict and consistent basis now for about two years, I have grown to understand my body's patterns and behaviors based on certain needs being met, or not being met. This is what I have found, in regards to protein:

 Optimum Nutrition Oats & Whey
This is by FAR the better tasting protein supplement I have tried out (chocolate is FAR superior to the vanilla version of this btw, kinda has the flavor of a Wendy's Chocolate Frosty), which is surprising because when I think "all natural" I tend to think "low-in-the-flavor-department". This was the first protein powder I chose as a beginner, but found that it wasn't really enough for my body doing the intense workouts I was doing. Nearing the end of my P90X program, I was finding that my muscles just didn't have enough "umph" and I was failing my workouts prematurely. After doing a ton of research I found out that this wasn't a good "one-protein-fits-all" (and as a matter of fact, you can't really depend on ONE type of protein to fit all your needs when you're doing any intense workout regime) because it is so quickly digested. ON Oats & Whey is a great "snack" protein if you're needing to add in a bit extra protein into your diet or you want a healthy snack between meals...however, it only carries one so far when embarking on more intense ventures.

Optimum Nutrition Pro-Complex
THAT is where Optimum Nutrition Pro-Complex protein supplement comes in. I have integrated this protein directly into my workouts; about halfway through when I'm starting to wear out, I sip on this shake until my workout is complete. It really helps keep the energy levels up in order to maintain a consistent workout intensity. The Pro-Complex has proteins of differing digestibility so that you get both the quick-fix of the easily digestible proteins and the longer lasting lasting proteins tide you over to the end. I like the 'Rich Milk Chocolate' flavor; though it tastes different from the Oats & Whey Chocolate flavor in that it seems to have hints of coconut or marshmallow flavors? Also, I should note that this product is NOT all natural, but is still in the "superior" list in my opinion because it doesn't contain a bunch of chemicals or crap-ingredients...there IS an all natural Pro-Complex product as part of the ON line, but I have yet to try that one.

 Optimum Nutrition Casein
Now, Casein is a SLOW digesting protein good for use as a snack before bed - especially when sore muscles are sure to ensue from a rough workout that day. Your body will digest this protein and release it into your muscles all night while it is also healing itself from the daily grind. I'm sure that it could be used on a consistent basis for people who are really going for adding mass to their physique, but that isn't my goal so I only use this occasionally. If you ARE going to use it on a consistent basis though, I would suggest also taking a fiber supplement along with it....the Oats & Whey protein is packed with fiber, but this one isn't and you wouldn't want to suffer the consequences of a high-protein diet with low fiber (especially if you're taking this one before bed). I have the 'Cookies & Cream' flavor and it is decent enough...the powder doesn't really mix too well so be prepared to swallow a couple chunks. But hey - no pain, no gain, right? I will note again that this product comes in the "All Natural" ON product listing, but the one I purchased isn't...for some reason local supplement shops don't carry much from the all natural ON line, so you're kinda stuck unless you want to purchase off eBay, ON website (very expensive), or Amazon.

Optimum Nutrition 2:1:1 Recovery
Lastly, I save my favorite tasting product EVER. I purchased this in the 'Raspberry Rush' flavor and man oh man it is SO good. When mixed with ice cold water, it tastes like a creamy raspberry truffle treat! As with the Casein, I don't take this supplement on a consistent basis; this I save for those days when your workout is just plain HARD to get through - your body isn't cooperating, your muscles aren't in the "mood", and to complete our workout seems to be taking all the willpower you have. Yes, I'm sure we've all had those, I know I have. So on THESE days, I skip taking the Pro-Complex during my workout, give it all I got, and then have this as a treat for after. This product does have a bit higher caloric content than the others I have listed, so just be sure you balance your daily food intake accordingly. Unfortunately this product does not also come as part of the ON "All Natural" line, but as with the others I found the ingredients to be superior to those of its competitors so I'm ok with using it. 

     I still have many things to learn, and I think that my list of proteins, when to use them, and how often to use them will change as my body continues down this fitness journey - but I'll keep this blog posted.

Cool Things Update! - Sandbells

So I ran into a new piece of workout equipment that is an alternative to dumbbells! I usually like to keep an eye out for alternative fitness tools useful for when I'm traveling or don't have access to my personal equipment or a gym.

Anyways, what I found are called "Sandbells" (View), and consist of neoprene bags filled with specific amounts of sand - ranging from 5-50lbs. Apparently, one can order them either pre-filled or empty (to save on shipping costs) and can use them as dumbbells, medicine balls, or kettlebells. They seem pretty handy as an alternative, but I don't know how convenient they would be for travel..